Bernese Mountain Dog Breeders - Description and History!

The Bernese Mountain Dog, also known as Berner Sennenhund or Bernese Mountain Dog, is relatively large breed of dog originally from Switzerland, where it has existed for over two thousand years. One of the tasks that used to perform pulling small carts or wagons, and even now it can be trained for walks sometimes children. The breed almost disappeared completely bernese mountain dog breeders:during the U.S.S.R.,bernese mountain dog breeders but managed to stay alive and now increases the population. Is registered with the AC in 1937.

bernese mountain dog breeders They average 85 110 pounds (38-50 kg) and is between 24 to 28 inches (61-71 cm) high. This breed is very loving and affectionate, like most breeds of dogs, and also a very loyal and reliable, perfect for newcomers to the art of dog to dog owners themselves and are experienced.

Both are intelligent and easy to train and stubborn like many other dog breeds can be sometimes. His temperament is usually very stable and comfortable,bernese mountain dog breeders they are very sensitive and sweet. Female Bernese Mountain Dog become dependent on a single owner bernese mountain dog breeders, and do not tell others, but other than that, there is nothing of the positive aspects of this breed of dog. They are great around children, and they love the attention and interaction they can get.

Since this is a large breed, however, can damage very young children accidentally by hitting back. Your responses to strangers may be different, but in general is friendly with everyone you meet, the smaller animals.bernese mountain dog breeders They may have difficulty adapting to the new homes, some groups of people, or in warmer climates.

The The Bernese Mountain Dog is a breed that grew up in a cold country,bernese mountain dog breeders and that's what they prefer. They love to play in the snow too. Their fur is thick and often vague color black and white. They do not lose much, so more weekly preparation is not necessary.

The The Bernese Mountain Dog bernese mountain dog breeders has a half life of 8 to 10 years, which is not much compared to other races. Some common health problems include autoimmune problems, HD and elbow dysplasia,bernese mountain dog breeders tumors, PA, thyroid problems, districts and skin allergies.

It is known that begins to have mobility problems at a very young age, but are also generally not affected by other diseases.bernese mountain dog breeders The Bernese Mountain Dog may be in good ways, but loves to be outdoors, and becomes the working (unless you have mobility problems), the happier it will be.

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